Script Consultant

Welcome to the Selling Your Screenplay script consultant page. If you’re looking for a professional analysis of your screenplay, we can help.

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Should you pay a script consultant to read and review your screenplay?

Getting feedback on your scripts is an essential part of improving as a writer. It really is mandatory. However, that doesn’t mean you have to pay a script consultant.

If you read my blog you’ll know I’m a big proponent of moving to Los Angeles if you’re serious about screenwriting. One of the reasons to live in L.A. is that you’ll run into people everywhere you go who are either in the industry or trying to get into the industry and you’ll become friends with many of them. These friends become a great resource and might be able to evaluate your screenplays for you.

Since moving to Los Angeles I’ve meet many actors, writers, directors and producers. I now have several good friends who I send my scripts to and can get competent notes from them. I will often give them my opinion on their projects as well so the relationship is reciprocal. I trust their opinions and they know me well enough to know that I want the truth. In addition, I’m currently in a writers group. I present material and get feedback from other writers and in return the other writers present their material and get feedback from me. If you don’t live in L.A. these sorts of connections are much more difficult to find.

So if you know people in the industry that’s my first recommendation: get notes on your script from them before going out and spending money on script consultants.

However, if you don’t have friends in the industry your mom, wife, and friends will NOT suffice in getting reliable, professional script notes and you should seriously consider paying a professional to give you feedback on your screenplay.

Whether you choose to use our script consultant service or another one, there are some things to consider when hiring a script consultant.

Research the actual person who will be reading your screenplay and make sure they have real, verifiable credits.

Many screenplay analysis services don’t tell you exactly who will be reading your screenplay. In many cases the actual readers are recent college graduates and have no real experience in the industry. Usually these recent graduates majored in film studies, so they may (or may not) be good at giving notes. Usually these services tend to be on the lower end in terms of price. So if price is a major concern, this might be an option. But in general, while these folks may be well meaning, I’m not sure how much value their notes really have since they themselves have never really done anything in the industry.